Results for 'King-Pong Chiu 趙敬邦'

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  1.  36
    (1 other version)KWan, tze-Wan 關子尹, articulation-cum-silence: In search of a philosophy of orientation 語默無常: 尋找定向中的哲學反思.King-Pong Chiu 趙敬邦 - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (3):363-365.
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    Thome H. Fang, Tang Junyi and Huayan Thought: A Confucian Appropriation of Buddhist Ideas in Response to Scientism in Twentieth-Century China.King Pong Chiu - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    In Thomé H. Fang, Tang Junyi and Huayan Thought, King Pong Chiu discusses Thomé H. Fang and Tang Junyi, two of the most important Confucian thinkers in twentieth-century China, who appropriated aspects of the medieval Chinese Buddhist school of Huayan to develop a response to the challenges of ‘scientism’, the belief that quantitative natural science is the only valuable part of human learning and the only source of truth. -/- As Chiu argues, Fang’s and Tang’s selective (...)
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    Tang Junyi yu Xianggang.King Pong Chiu - 2023 - Xinbei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si.
    唐君毅先生是近代中國最重要的哲人之一, 事業和學問與當時仍是英國殖民地的香港有密不可分的關係。 唐君毅的努力,豐富了香港的文化氣息, 改變了香港純然商業社會的狀況; 香港的環境,也影響了唐君毅對事情的理解, 對唐君毅的哲學發展有極大的影響。 《唐君毅與香港》討論唐君毅與香港的重要關係,冀能一方面幫助讀者更了解唐君毅其人,另一方面幫助讀者更了解香港其地。本書分為三章,第一章討論唐君毅在香港的文化運動;第二章介紹唐君毅在香港的足跡;第三章評論 唐君毅留在香港的一批藏書,同時也收錄了唐君毅留在香港新亞研究所的藏書照片,這些照片從未曝光,價值尤其珍貴。.
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    Lee, Yun-sang 李潤生, The Koan of Chan Buddhism 禪宗公案: Beijing 北京: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe 宗教文化出版社, 2016, 608 pages.King Pong Chiu - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (4):649-651.
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    The Awakening of Faith and New Confucian Philosophy ed. by John Makeham.King Pong Chiu - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):1-5.
    The idea that Buddhism played a key role in the development of New Confucianism has long prevailed in academia, but it is not until recent years that such an idea has been critically studied through a series of monographs, mainly published by Brill. This book is one of the excellent works concerning such an important topic. Unlike other works which focus on the possible influence of specific Buddhist schools on individual New Confucian thinkers, The Awakening of Faith and New Confucian (...)
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    Timothy Richard's Buddhist-Christian Studies.Lai Pan-Chiu - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:23-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Timothy Richard's Buddhist-Christian StudiesLai Pan-chiuTimothy Richard (1845–1919), one of the most well-known nineteenth-century British missionaries who worked in China, is still remembered today for his efforts to disseminate "Western learning" and to promote social welfare and political reform in China.2 Interestingly, although Richard's missionary, educational, and political activities undoubtedly dominated his life in China, he also found the time to translate a number of Buddhist texts from Chinese into (...)
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  7. Structured propositions.Jeffrey C. King - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8.  28
    Trying to Act Rightly.Zoe Johnson King - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Michigan - Flint
    My research focuses on the moral evaluation of people’s motivations. A popular recent view in Philosophy is that good people are motivated by the considerations that make actions morally right (the “right-making features”). For example, this view entails that a Black Lives Matter protester can be a good person if she is motivated to engage in protest by the thought that it will bring about equality, or justice, since this is what makes engaging in protest morally right. But this view (...)
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    The excellent mind: intellectual virtues for everyday life.Nathan L. King - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    What makes for a good education? What does one need to count as well-educated? Knowledge, to be sure. But knowledge is easily forgotten, and today's knowledge may be obsolete tomorrow. Skills, particularly in critical thinking, are crucial as well. But absent the right motivation, graduates may fail to put their skills to good use. In this book, Nathan King argues that intellectual virtues-traits like curiosity, intellectual humility, honesty, intellectual courage, and open-mindedness-are central to any education worthy of the name. (...)
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  10. What is a philosophical analysis?Jeffrey C. King - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 90 (2):155-179.
    It is common for philosophers to offer philosophical accounts or analyses, as they are sometimes called, of knowledge, autonomy, representation, (moral) goodness, reference, and even modesty. These philosophical analyses raise deep questions.What is it that is being analyzed (i.e. what sorts of things are the objects of analysis)? What sort of thing is the analysis itself (a proposition? sentence?)? Under what conditions is an analysis correct? How can a correct analysis be informative? How, if at all, does the production of (...)
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    On "on zen language and zen paradoxes": Anglo-Saxon questions for Chung-Ying Cheng.John King-Farlow - 1983 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10 (3):285-298.
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    A Puzzle About the Unity and Normativity of Structural Rationality.Zoë Johnson King - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-26.
    Alex Worsnip argues that structural rationality is a unified phenomenon, given the constitutive facts about the natures of our mental states. He also argues that structural rationality is normatively significant, given the reasons to which its requirements give rise. This paper breaks bad news: these two parts of Worsnip’s picture are strange bedfellows, since the sequences of states and processes that would clearly count as transgressing the structural-rationality-based reasons that he describes are precisely those sequences that are ruled out by (...)
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    Should Clinicians Set Limits on Reproductive Autonomy?Louise P. King - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):S50-S56.
    As a gynecologic surgeon with a focus on infertility, I frequently hold complex discussions with patients, exploring with them the risks and benefits of surgical options. In the past, we physicians may have expected our patients to simply defer to our expertise and choose from the options we presented. In our contemporary era, however, patients frequently request options not favored by their physicians and even some they've found themselves online. In reproductive endocrinology and infertility, the range of options that may (...)
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    Geteilte Aufmerksamkeit.Vera King - 2018 - Psyche 72 (8):640-665.
    Im Beitrag werden Veränderungen der Kommunikation durch digitale Medien, ihre psychischen Bedeutungen und Folgen, u. a. anhand von empirischen Befunden zu Social-Media-Praktiken von Jugendlichen und von Eltern thematisiert. Bezugsrahmen der Analyse sind dabei kulturelle Wandlungen sowie soziale und psychische Bedeutungen von Aufmerksamkeit: geteilte Aufmerksamkeit als ein Kern der Kommunikation, aber auch die für psychische Entwicklung notwendige geschenkte, für den anderen oder für anderes offene Aufmerksamkeit als ein wesentliches Moment der Zuwendung, Empathie und Bezogenheit – im Gegensatz zu selbstbezogener Aufmerksamkeit und (...)
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    Purchase Intention for Green Cars Among Chinese Millennials: Merging the Value–Attitude–Behavior Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.Lei Wang, Qi Zhang & Philip Pong Weng Wong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:786292.
    The value–attitude–behavior and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) appear to provide limited explanation for consumer green purchase behavior. This study aims to examine the relationship between pro-environmental value, consumption value, and TPB toward green car purchasing intention among the young Chinese generation. A total of 541 student responses were collected, and the results showed that altruistic value positively influenced subjective norm (SN) and perceived behavioral control (PBC), but negatively influenced green purchase attitude (GPA). Biospheric value positively influenced GPA and (...)
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  16. Acquaintance, singular thought and propositional constituency.Jeffrey C. King - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (2):543-560.
    In a recent paper, Armstrong and Stanley argue that despite being initially compelling, a Russellian account of singular thought has deep difficulties. I defend a certain sort of Russellian account of singular thought against their arguments. In the process, I spell out a notion of propositional constituency that is independently motivated and has many attractive features.
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  17. Memory for events and their spatial context: models and experiments.Neil Burgess, Suzanna Becker, John A. King & John O'Keefe - 2002 - In Alan Baddeley, John Aggleton & Martin Conway (eds.), Episodic Memory: New Directions in Research : Originating from a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society. Oxford University Press.
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    Buddha Nature.Knut A. Jacobsen & Sallie B. King - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:271.
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  19. From intellectus verus/falsus to the dictum propositionis: The semantics of Peter Abelard and his circle.Klaus Jacobi, Christian Strub & Peter King - 1996 - Vivarium 34 (1):15-40.
    In his commentary on Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias,1 Abelard distinguishes the form of an expression2 (oratio) from what it says, that is, its content. The content of an expression is its understanding (intellectus). This distinction is surely the most well-known and central idea in Abelard’s commentary. It provides him with the opportunity to distinguish statements (enuntiationes) from other kinds of expressions without implying a diference in their content, since the ability of a statement to signify something true or false (verum vel (...)
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  20. Aquinas on the Passions.Peter King - 2002 - In Brian Davies (ed.), Thomas Aquinas: contemporary philosophical perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    To what extent are the wishes of a signatory reflected in their advance directive: a qualitative analysis.Friedemann Nauck, Matthias Becker, Claudius King, Lukas Radbruch, Raymond Voltz & Birgit Jaspers - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):52.
    Advance directives (ADs) are assumed to reflect the patients’ preferences, even if these are not clearly expressed. Research into whether this assumption is correct has been lacking. This study explores to what extent ADs reflect the true wishes of the signatories.
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    Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages.Peter King & Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (4):564.
  23. Primates and religion: A biological anthropologist's response to J. Wentzel Van huyssteen's alone in the world?Barbara J. King - 2008 - Zygon 43 (2):451-466.
    For a biological anthropologist interested in the prehistory of religion, J. Wentzel van Huyssteen's book is welcome and resonant. Van Huyssteen's central thesis is that humans' capacity for spirituality emerges from a transformation of cognition and emotions that takes place in the symbolic realm, within Homo sapiens and apart from biology. To his thesis I bring to bear three areas of response: the abundant cognitive and emotional capacities of living apes and extinct hominids; the role of symbolic ritual in the (...)
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    To Punish or Not to Punish? The Impact of Tax Fraud Punishment on Observers’ Tax Compliance.Jonathan Farrar & Tisha King - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):289-311.
    This article synthesizes insights from deterrence theory and social psychology literature on retributive justice to develop and test a theoretical model which predicts how and why observers’ tax compliance intentions are influenced by knowledge of the punitive outcomes faced by individuals found guilty of tax fraud. We test our model experimentally on a sample of Canadian taxpayers and manipulate perceived responsibility for a fraud and whether a fraud perpetrator is punished. We show that observers’ tax compliance increases when a fraud (...)
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    Verb Metaphoric Extension Under Semantic Strain.Daniel King & Dedre Gentner - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (5):e13141.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 5, May 2022.
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  26. A History of Marxian Economics. Volume II, 1929-1990.M. C. Howard & J. E. King - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (1):106-108.
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    Origenism in Sixth Century Syria: The case of a Syriac manuscript of pagan philosophy.Daniel King - unknown
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  28. Evolution at two levels in humans and chimpanzees.M. -C. King & A. C. Wilson - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise (eds.), Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  29. Augustine: On the Free Choice of the Will, on Grace and Free Choice, and Other Writings.Peter King (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    The works translated here deal with two major themes in the thinking of St Augustine : free will and divine grace. On the one hand, free will enables human beings to make their own choices; on the other hand, God's grace is required for these choices to be efficacious. 'On the Free Choice of the Will', 'On Grace and Free Choice', 'On Reprimand and Grace' and 'On the Gift of Perseverance' set out Augustine's theory of human responsibility, and sketch a (...)
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    A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library.Jan P. Hogendijk & David A. King - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):698.
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    Omniscience, ifs and intelligibles.J. King-Farlow - 1983 - Philosophical Papers 12 (2):28-31.
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    Justice in abundance and despair.John King-Farlow - 1977 - Philosophical Papers 6 (1):1-10.
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    What We Ought and What We Can.Alex King - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Are we able to do everything we ought to do? According to the important but controversial Ought Implies Can principle, the answer is yes. -/- In this book Alex King sheds some much-needed light on this principle. She argues that it is flawed because we are obligated to perform some actions that we cannot perform, and goes on to present a suggested theory for anyone who would deny the principle. She examines the traditional motivations for Ought Implies Can, and (...)
  34. The Culpable Inability Problem for Synchronic and Diachronic ‘Ought Implies Can’.Alex King - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (1):50-62.
    My paper has two aims: to underscore the importance of differently time-indexed ‘ought implies can’ principles; and to apply this to the culpable inability problem. Sometimes we make ourselves unable to do what we ought, but in those cases, we may still fail to do what we ought. This is taken to be a serious problem for synchronic ‘ought implies can’ principles, with a simultaneous ‘ought’ and ‘can’. Some take it to support diachronic ‘ought implies can’, with a potentially temporally (...)
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    Pŏp ch'ŏrhak: iron kwa chaengchŏm.Chŏng-O. Kim & Pong-ch'ŏl Ch'oe (eds.) - 2022 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa.
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    The effects of carbon monoxide on three types of performance at simulated altitudes of 10,000 and 15,000 feet.E. P. Vollmer, B. G. King, J. E. Birren & M. B. Fisher - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (3):244.
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    Heidegger's philosophy: a guide to his basic thought.Magda King - 1964 - New York,: Macmillan.
  38.  17
    Emotion, interaction and the structure-agency problem: Building on the sociology of Randall Collins.Anthony King - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 154 (1):38-51.
    Sociology today faces a number of serious challenges to its integrity as a discipline. As a synthesis of Weberian and Durkheimian traditions, the work of Randall Collins represents an innovative vindication of sociology in the early 21st century. This article explores Collins’s interaction ritual theory to demonstrate its contemporary utility. However, to highlight the importance of Collins’s work, it seeks to advance and refine it theoretically. Specifically, it seeks to develop Collins’s argument about the role of emotions and, specifically, effervescence, (...)
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    War and Peace in Buddhist Philosophy.Sallie B. King - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel (ed.), A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 631–650.
    Karma and its consequences are a major theme in Buddhism. When discussing war and peace in a Buddhist context, it is important to distinguish Buddhist philosophy from the practice of Buddhists in historical and present fact. This is because Buddhist philosophy on the subject, especially in the teachings of the Buddha and the mainstream Mahāyāna teachings, so heavily emphasizes non‐violence. The advent of engaged Buddhism places the dilemma of Buddhist violence in a new context. In so far as it does (...)
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    Ren in the analects: Skeptical prolegomena.R. A. H. King - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (1):89-105.
    Ren in the Lunyu is often taken to be virtue; if virtue is taken to be excellence as performing a function, as Plato understands it, this is not persuasive. Nor is it easy to show how ren encompasses or implies all other virtues. Ren is furthermore ambiguous—it is used both in a wide sense and specifically as benevolence; in fact there are at least six accounts of what ren is in the Lunyu. This ambiguity cannot be made harmless by use (...)
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    The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy (review).Peter King - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (4):612-613.
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    Le rôle des concepts selon Ockham.Peter King - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (2):435-447.
    Philosophiques 32 (2005), 435-447. [An English version is available here.].
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    Polarizing genetic information in the egg: RNA localization in the frog oocyte.Mary Lou King, Yi Zhou & Mikhail Bubunenko - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (7):546-557.
    RNA localization is a powerful strategy used by cells to localize proteins to subcellular domains and to control protein synthesis regionally. In germ cells, RNA targeting has profound implications for development, setting up polarities in genetic information that drive cell fate during embryogenesis. The frog oocyte offers a useful system for studying the mechanism of RNA localization. Here, we discuss critically the process of RNA localization during frog oogenesis. Three major pathways have been identified that are temporally and spatially separated (...)
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    (1 other version)Zen and the Way of the Sword.Winston L. King - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (2):293-293.
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    The Mechanics and Psychology of Practical Reasoning.Alex King - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (1):81-88.
    : In this commentary on Sinhababu’s Humean Nature I will explore three lines of inquiry. The first asks about the explanatory power of the Desire-Belief Theory of Reasoning, by way of wondering about how desires and beliefs combine with one another. The second question continues along these lines, asking about the further conditions Sinhababu places on reasoning and whether a theory of reasoning can be normatively neutral. The third points out the need for more clarity in his account of intention (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Dress.Ian King - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This text argues that dress is a more persuasive means of uncovering the character of aesthetics in contemporary life than traditional examinations employing fine art. Traditionally, fine art was the most widely used means to illustrate and amplify the guise of aesthetics, and yet, despite this rich level of attention, the literature is generally disappointing and beset by confusion and criticism.
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    Strategy, Morality, Courage: Bioethics and Health Law after Dobbs.Nancy M. P. King, Christine Nero Coughlin & Beverly J. Levine - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):290-308.
    Our paper examines what is required to protect and promote effective public discussion and policy development in the current climate of divisive disagreement about many public policy questions. We use abortion as a case example precisely because it is morally fraught. We first consider the changes made by Dobbs, as well as those which led up to the Dobbs decision, accompany it, and follow from it.
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  48. A Rationale for Punishment.J. Charles King - 1980 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 4 (2):151-154.
  49. End-of-life policies and practices.Anne L. Botsford & Angela King - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm (eds.), End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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  50. A History of Marxian Economics. Volume 1, 1883-1929.M. C. Howard & J. E. King - 1991 - Science and Society 55 (4):489-491.
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